The Role of Women in Cultural Festivals and Preservation of Ancestral Traditions: A Case Study of Event Organizer
This study examines and analyzes women’s involvement in preserving ancestral traditions by organizing cultural festivals in Parepare City. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The technique for determining informants was purposive sampling, which was carried out deliberately based on the knowledge and activities of the community in cultural festivals. Data collection techniques used in this study consisted of observation and interviews. The data collected during the research was arranged systematically, analyzed descriptively qualitatively, and described narratively. The study results show that several ancestral traditions are still being preserved by Bugis children. For example, the Mallipa Festival, Salo Karajae, and Tappadalaoiki. In the context of cultural ceremonies, women play a very important role: from preparation to after the festival is held. This tradition is preserved by cultural activists, artists, and women active in the Event Organizer field. One of the efforts made by women in the Event Organizer field is to disseminate information about cultural festivals held at various spots or strategic locations in Parepare. Therefore, it is recommended for every Bugis woman to continue to preserve ancestral traditions by taking on roles as organizers, performers, and dancers at various cultural festivals in Parepare. In addition, parents are recommended to support their daughter’s work in the Event Organizer field. Furthermore, it is hoped that the Parepare Municipal Government will continue to support the holding of cultural festivals so that they are always present to provide various colors in preserving regional arts in Parepare City.
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