Customs and Culture of the Woloan Community as a Potential Tourism Village in Tomohon City
This research aims to examine and analyze the customs and culture of the Woloan community as a potential tourism village in Tomohon City. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The technique for determining informants is purposive sampling, which is carried out deliberately based on knowledge and community activities in customs and culture. The data collection techniques used in this study consisted of the following: observation and interview. The data collected during the research was compiled systematically, analyzed descriptively qualitatively, and described narratively. The results showed that Woloan in West Tomohon Sub-District, North Sulawesi Province, still has customs and culture that can be preserved, as reflected in the historical heritage of Waruga in the amphitheater, traditional cottage industries, and traditional dances such as Maengket, Maengket Dance, Maengket Marambak, Maengket Lalayaan and then Mapalus (mutual cooperation) activities. Apart from that, Woloan also has several excellent tourist attractions, such as Kaisanti Peak and Welu Restaurant and Cafe, where we can admire the natural scenery of Mount Lokon, rice fields, people’s houses at the foot of Mount Lokon, and the sunset.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Deby Christiani Sendow, Jeanlly Adri Solang, Telly Hetty Isye Kondoj, Youdy Joseph Hendrik Gumolili, Mercy Ariane Lumare

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