Microencapsulated Formulation of Petroleum Ether Fraction and Isolate of Bixa Orellana L.

  • Mutmainah Mutmainah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi
  • Annisa Nanda Fatina Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi
  • Yuvianti Dwi Franyoto Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi
  • Lia Kusmita Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi
  • Ika Puspitaningrum Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi Yayasan Pharmasi


This study compares the formula between Petroleum Ether Fraction Microencapsulation and Isolate Bixa Orellana L. with Gum Arabic and Maltodextrin Encapsulants. This type of research is a laboratory experiment. Several tests were carried out in this research on the physical properties of the microencapsulated Isolate Bixa Orellana L.. In this case, the testing included organoleptic, microencapsulated yield, microencapsulated efficiency, moisture content, solubility, and flow rate. Meanwhile, the concentrations of Arabic gum and maltodextrin encapsulants were 2.78% and 17.22%, respectively. The research procedure includes the manufacture of microencapsulations by mixing maltodextrin, gum arabic, gelatin, and water which is homogenized for 1 minute. Then the mixture of bixin and tween 80 isolates was added and homogenized for 10 minutes. The solution was frozen in the freezer for 24 hours and dried by freeze-drying for 72 hours. The dry samples were ground and sieved using a 24 mesh sieve. Microencapsulates is stored in tightly closed containers and protected from light. The results showed that the flow rate, solubility, yield, and moisture content tests were significantly different (significance value <0.05). In contrast, the microcapsule efficiency test was not significantly different.

Keywords: Bixa orellana L., Bixin Isolate, Microencapsulation, Petroleum Ether Fraction

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How to Cite
Mutmainah, M., Fatina, A. N., Franyoto, Y. D., Kusmita, L., & Puspitaningrum, I. (2022). Microencapsulated Formulation of Petroleum Ether Fraction and Isolate of Bixa Orellana L. SIGn Journal of Pharmacy, 1(1), 6-11. Retrieved from https://jurnal.penerbitsign.com/index.php/sjp/article/view/141