Storynomic Tourism Strategy: Promotion of Storytelling-Based Tourism Destinations
This study aims to examine and analyze how the story attached to Luwu Regency becomes a strategy in destination marketing with a storynomics approach. The type of research used is descriptive with a content analysis approach. The quantitative descriptive content analysis method is carried out to produce objective and systematic data. The data obtained is then analyzed in three stages: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The study shows that folklore from Luwu Regency, which is strong among the people, is a tourist attraction. The power of folklore and other supporting aspects and their relation to storynomics can be used as an effective marketing strategy for destinations in Luwu Regency. This concept not only conveys folklore but how visitors experience when visiting with detailed information about Luwu Regency. This information can enrich understanding, and tourists will get experience. It is this tourist experience that will build a strong memory of a destination which will directly or indirectly have an impact on return visits (revisit). One of the benefits of the storynomics approach is a provision for members of the Tourism Awareness Group or local tour guides to be said to tourists. Second, storynomics can be used to explore and organize new tourist attractions related to stories or myths. Third, storynomics helps preserve oral traditions and local wisdom through written texts. Fourth, storynomics can be an enrichment material in local HR empowerment programs to know the rich stories of their village.
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