Risk of Uremic Pruritus in Hemodialysis Patient

  • Murtaqib Murtaqib Universitas Jember
  • Jon Hafan Sutawardana Universitas Jember
  • Yosep Filiandri Universitas Jember


This study aims to identify the factors of uremic pruritus in hemodialysis patients. This type of research is a literature study with a literature review approach, cross-sectional, case-control, and quantitative descriptive. This study uses research data from 2015 to 2020. The results show that the risk factors for uremic pruritus in hemodialysis patients include clinical features, hemodialysis adequacy, duration of hemodialysis, gender, and age. The clinical features referred to are uremia, creatinine, hemoglobin, interleukin (IL)-2, interleukin (IL)-6, and C reactive protein (CRP). An increased level of uremia is the most dominant risk factor because it is toxic to the body.

Keywords: Clinical Features, Hemodialysis, Risk Factor, Uremic Pruritus

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How to Cite
Murtaqib, M., Sutawardana, J. H., & Filiandri, Y. (2022). Risk of Uremic Pruritus in Hemodialysis Patient. SIGn Journal of Public Health, 1(1), 21-35. https://doi.org/10.37276/sjph.v1i1.146